

Referees, Umpires, Linesmen and Field Judges Given by H. A. A.--List Includes Many of Former Seasons

The list of men who will officiate in the football games next fall was announced yesterday by the football management. The following are the officials chosen, most of whom have officiated before in games of former seasons.

For the Rensselaer game on October 3: referee, P. R. Carpenter; umpire, A. R. Dorman; linesman, T. J. McCabe; field judge, C. V. Brown.

For the Middlebury game on October 10; referee, J. B. Keegan; umpire, J. N. Young; linesman, F. W. Burleigh; field judge, W. T. Hallahan.

For the Holy Cross game on October 17; referee, J. E. Keegan; umpire, W. T. Halloran; linesman, J. J. Hallan; field judge, W. S. Cannell.

For the Dartmouth game on October 24; referee, E. J. O'Brien; umpire, F. W. Murphy; linesman, H. C. McGrath; field judge, W. H. Okeson.


For the William and Mary game on October 31; referee, C. P. Schott; umpire, J. N. Young; linesman, F. W. Burleigh; field judge, A. R. Dorman.

For the Princeton game on November 7; referee, W. B. Crowell; umpire, F. W. Murphy; linesman, Willard Hollenback; field judge, W. R. Okesson.

For the William and Mary game on October 31; referee, C. P. Schott; umpire, J. N. Young; linesman, F. W. Burleigh; field judge, A. R. Dorman.

For the Princeton game on November 7; referee, W. G. Crowell; umpire, F. W. Murphy; linesman, Willard Hollenback; field judge, W. R. Okesson.

For the Brown game on November 14; referee, Howard Fisher; umpire, A. C. Tyler; linesman, T. J. McCabe; field judge, E. S. Land.

For the Yale game on November 21; referee, E. C. Quigley; umpire, T. J. Thorpe; linesman, F. W. Murphy; field judge, J. E. Ingersoll.
