

Record Number Expected to Represent University at Conference--24 Men Have Already Signed Up

The largest delegation from the University to the Silver Bay Conference in recent years will be present when the conference officially opens on June 11. Plans so far indicate that 25 men have definitely signed up as intending to make the trip and it is expected that almost as many more will be added to the party before it leaves.

Bus May Be Used

An innovation in the way of locomotion is to be tried this spring, if plans which are now being worked on can be perfected. A large motor bus, hired for the trip, will in all probability take the Harvard delegates to the conference.

The names of those who have already signified their intention of going to the conference are as follows:

E. H. Bailey '27, J. L. Besuchamp Jr. '28, P. L. Boyd '26, H. W. Bragdon '28, W. N. Bump '28, William S. Clark 2G., J. C. Dreier '28, F. F. Dunbar '28, D. F. Foljambe '26, A. L. Fordyce '28, Marcel Francon 1G., F. W. Green '28, L. U. Harris '26, J. H. Lane '28, H. H. MacCubbin '26, J. W. Martindale '28, R. M. Mears '27, Murray Pease '26, A. D. Phillips '26, A. S. Phillips '26, C. O. Simpson '27, W. I. Tibbetts '17, D. P. Tucker '28, Richard Wupperman 1G.B.
