Rye, New York, June 15.--When Captain Pinkerton's riders take the field today against the Tiger quartet, the University team will be the slight favorite.
Princeton has a more powerful team at present than it had before it arrived in Rye, due to the week of hard riding and mallet work, that the stay here has made possible. Whether or not there will be a corresponding increase of accuracy and speed is a matter that must be left for the future.
Harvard Horsemen Improved
The Harvard horsemen have also undoubtedly benefited from the past week's workouts. In practice games they have shown greater speed than at any time during the season, and are now considered on a par with the fast Army riders, who won a 19-0 victory over Virginia Military Institute last Saturday, and who had been picked as Yale's probable opponent in the finals, before the tournament began, in spite of the fact that Harvard defeated them in the West Point riding ring last winter.
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