

Today marks the return to Cambridge of a number of Harvard's most illustrious classes, as well as the ever welcome graduates who attend the Commencement week festivities regularly each June in informal groups. They will be held in awe and esteem by the undergraduate, for he regards them with much the same veneration which he had as a boy for those loyal alumni returning to their school. Unlike those of a preparatory school, however, the graduates of Harvard number tens of thousands, and the undergraduate will find here and there among the reuniting ranks only an occasional friend, acquaintance, or relative. Nevertheless he regards the great throng very humbly and with a personal affection and wishes them all the happiest of reunions and many happy returns. To all the graduates he offers the most cordial welcome and especially to those holding their formal reunions--the classes of '60, '75, '00, '05, '15, '20, and '22.
