The program for commencement week, which began yesterday with President Lowell's Baccalaureate sermon, and his receptions to the Senior Class and the Class of 1900, will be continued today by the Senior Spread and Dance in Memorial Hall. The Spread will start at 8 o'clock this evening and end at 2.
The committee has announced the appointment of Nathaniel Saltonstall Howe '26 of New York, as head usher, and of George Douglass Debevoise '26 of New York, George Dewey Braden '26 of Washington, D. C., and Joseph Carlton McGlone '26 of Natick as assistant head ushers.
The list of patronesses is headed by Mrs. Hugh D. Scott. Leo Reisman's 25-piece orchestra will furnish the music for the evening.
Class Day Program Eventful
Tomorrow morning Class Day will be opened with a service for Seniors in Appleton Chapel at 9 o'clock. The sermon will be delivered by the Right Reverend William Lawrence '71, Bishop of the Diocese of Massachusetts and Fellow of Harvard College.
At 11 o'clock the Class Day exercises will be held in Sanders Theatre. Following a prayer by Professor E. C. Moore, chairman of the board of preachers, Philip Walker '25, class orator, will deliver the oration. John Marshall '25, class poet, will then recite the class poem and J. A. Abbot '25 will deliver the Ode. Alden Briggs '25, the Chorister, will lead the singing which takes place during the exercises.
After the mystic tree exercises at 3.30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the Seniors will march to the Stadium for the exercises there at 4 o'clock, which include the ivy oration, songs by the Glee Club, and the presentation of the class banner to the class of 1928. In the evening the various spreads will be held in the yard.
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