On whether Captain Ingraham and Captain-elect Whitbeck succeed in defeating Jones and Watson of Yale, when the encounter takes place next week on the courts of the Merion Cricket Club at Philadelphia in the week of June 22, depends the final outcome of this year's tennis season, but in either event the season can be pronounced as successful.
A seven man team started off the season and the spring trip on the courts of the Agawam Hunt Club at Providence with a complete victory at 10-0. Captain Ingraham left the team at Providence, due to the pressure of divisionals.
The Virginia Country Club at Richmond was the next opponent. The Southerners lost all the singles matches, but managed to gain one point as the result of a victory over Whitbeck and Cummings in doubles. The following day at the Norfolk Country Club in Norfolk another complete whitewash was chalked up.
Columbia Ends Trip
A team from the Chevy Chase Country Club in Washington failed to provide any stronger opposition than had been the team's due so far. At Baltimore, however, the University players ran into stiff competition and in the singles Whitbeck and Briggs were the sole survivors. In the doubles the luck was a little better and both Whitbeck and Cummings and Briggs and Perkins emerged victorious over the Country Club players at 5-4.
Captain Ingraham rejoined the still undefeated players at Rye, where Columbia was played on the grass courts of the Westchester-Biltmore Country Club. Captain Ingraham, lacking in practice after a week's attention to his studies, fell before Lane, playing at No. 1 for the Blue and White. The score was 4-1.
Penn Match Called Off
On May 2, after a week's layoff from the continued playing of the trip, a four man team journeyed to Williamstown, where the season's unbroken record was maintained at 5-1. Perkins was the only man to lose his match.
A match that had been scheduled for Saturday, May 9, with the University of Pennsylvania was unfortunately cancelled of necessity. On May 13 the M. I. T. players were met on the Divinity Courts. Another stainless victory was the result.
Yale Ties Score
Princeton came to Cambridge on May 20 with a tennis team that had given the Yale netmen a strong fight. The almost unexpected 9-0 victory that resulted for the University gave rise to very high hopes for the Yale match on the following Saturday. Yale, however, with the characteristic determination of the Bull Dog refused to accept the odium of defeat and struggled on to a tied score at 4-4, with the outcome of the match between Whitbeck and Ingraham and Jones and Watson still in the air at a set apiece. A sudden squall of rain, when the players were about to start their final set, ended all thought of further play, and the decision was reserved for the Intercollegiates at Philadelphia.
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