Red Top, Conn., June 12.--More favorable conditions than existed yesterday permitted the Junior University boat and the Freshman to race today and the Combination crew to have a time trial.
A length of open water separated the two crews as the Junior eight crossed the finish of the two-mile course in 9 minutes 49 seconds, having led Captain Watts' crew the entire distance. This good time was made under the favorable conditions of a strong following wind and a helping tide.
Hoover Takes Temporary Seat
For the last two days the first boat has done nothing but paddle for short distances each morning and afternoon. Hoover, who rowed at number 2 against Yale in the 1924 eight, has been substituting in Captain Kelley's crew the last two days for one of the oarsmen who is out on account of boils. He will be back, however, tomorrow, when Coach Stevens will hold a time trial over the four-mile course. No noticeable change has been remarked in the work of the crew since Hoover has been in it, showing that each man knows his job and can fit in a new member easily.
On Monday morning all those rowing here will visit the nearby government submarine base and will be taken for a dive in one of the undersea crafts. In the afternoon the crews will all be given a hard workout.
The Combination crew rowed for the first time over the two-mile course this afternoon, but turned in the comparatively poor time of 10 minutes 20 seconds. This time can largely be explained by the poor wind and tide conditions under which the trial was made and by the strangeness of the course.
The news from the rival camp of the Elis at Gales Ferry is not encouraging for the Crimson Freshmen. The Blue 1928 boat rowed the two-mile course in the excellent time of 9 minutes 37 seconds today, 12 seconds faster than that done by the Harvard Junior University, which beat the Freshmen by two lengths.
Reports about the first Yale boat indicate that it is taking things easy for a few days, probably in preparation for a stiff time trial either tomorrow or at the beginning of next week.
Although the Yale eight looks well on the water, the Crimson crew is the favorite around New London. The local enthusiasts all predict a Harvard victory.
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