The Class Day Committee of the Senior Class yesterday made public the program that will pursued in case of rain and the locations of the various spreads that are being held in the Yard, with their alternative locations in the event of rain.
The alternative program is as follows. In the event that the rain should cease during the day, the regular schedule will be followed thereafter.
8.30 A. M.--First Bugle call.
8.50 A. M.--Second Bugle call.
9.00 A. M.--Seniors report at Appleton Chapel for the address by Rt. Rev. William Lawrence '71.
10.15 A. M.--Sanders Theatre will be open to ticket holders.
10.45 A. M.--Sanders Theatre will be closed to all but Seniors.
10.45 A. M.--All Seniors report in the transept of Memorial Hall to march into Sanders Theatre in a body.
10.00 to 1.00.--Music in New Lecture Hall--admission on Yard tickets.
2.00 P. M.--Gates will be closed and tickets required of all persons found in the Yard and all who enter thereafter.
2.00 to 3.45 P. M.--Music in Memorial Hall.
2.00 to 5.30 P. M.--Music in Sanders Theatre.
2.00 to 5.45 P. M.--Music in Fogg Lecture Room.
3.30 P. M.--Seniors assemble in Sever 11 for the "Tree" exercises.
4.00 P. M.--The Ivy Oration will be given in Sanders Theatre and New Lecture Hall. Rainy Day checks will be given preference for admission, but Stadium tickets will be used as far as possible. All Seniors report at Sanders Theatre.
6.30 to 11.00 P. M.--Music in Sanders Theatre.
6.45 to 11.00 P. M.--Music in Fogg Lecture Room.
7.30 to 11.00 P. M.--Music in New Lecture Hall.
8.00 to 11.00 P. M.--Dancing in Memorial Hall and the Gymnasium.
The places for the Senior Spreads in the Yard with their alternatives in the event of rain are as follows: Phillips Brooks House, rear of Holworthy Hall, or the Brooks House; Phi Kappa Epsilon, rear of Matthews Hall on the south side, or Sever 23; Speakers' Club, Wadsworth Lawn, or Sever 1, 2, 5, and 6; K. G. X. Club, west of Fogg Museum, or Sever 7 and 8; St. Paul's Catholic Club, east of Fogg Museum, or Sever 17; Pt Ets Club, gymnasium in either case; S. A. F. Club, rear of Matthews Hall on the north side, or Harvard 2; Kappa Sigma, north of Stoughton Hall, or Harvard 6; Private (John Adams Jr. '25), north of Robinson Hall or Sever 13 and 19; Private (A. S. Pinkham '25), southwest of Fogg Museum or Thayer 52 and 54; Private (G. E. Barton '25), northwest of Robinson Hall or Harvard 3.
The Class Day Committee will hold office hours in Grays 4 between 9 and 11 o'clock, beginning today for those who desire information. It was also announced that henceforth all tickets must be purchased at Leavitt Peirce's.
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