Friends of polo in the University have enhanced the chances of the team which will represent Harvard next week in the intercollegiate tournament at the Westchester Biltmore Country Club at Rye, N. Y., by the loan of 18 polo ponies, of which number 14 will be shipped today.
The tournament will be played off in three rounds, with the first game, that between Yale and Pennsylvania Military College, scheduled for Saturday, June 13. The University team will not play its first match, that with Princeton, until Tuesday, June 16, but will enjoy a daily practice of two hours on one of the club's fields beginning Saturday.
The team which will face Princeton, will arrive in Rye on Saturday morning. The line-up which won the Copley-Plaza cup, F. D. Stranahan '26 at Number 1, Alexander Shaw '28 at Number 2, W. H. White '28 at Number 3, and Captain R. A. Pinkerton '27 at back, will make the trip. Captain Clark, coach of the team, will accompany them.
Conditions Were Never Better
The tournament, this year, promises to surpass all former intercollegiate tourneys, both by reason of the large attendance expected and the excellent facilities. Never before have the teams had so long a preparation, for the date is later than in former years by a month, and never have they enjoyed better turf than that at the Westchester Biltmore Club.
The University team will play on June 16, 18, and 20, provided it survives its contest with Princeton and the semi-final contest, with the winner of the match between West Point and V. M. I. Princeton, the winner of last year's tournament, was crippled by graduation last spring, but has been rebuilding steadily since the outdoor season started.
Yale enters the tournament a strong favorite to carry off first honor. The winter season for the Blue was most successful, for in addition to the capture of intercollegiate indoor honors, the Yale team won the National Class A and Class B championships. Despite this record the Yale team may go down to defeat before a hard-riding team from Pennsylvania Military College, which met the Blue earlier in the season in a game undecided until the final minute of play.
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