
In the Graduate Schools

Harvard Instructor Wins First Award From Guggenheim Foundation

Dr. Percival Bailey, S.B., Ph.D., M.D., Instructor in Surgery at the University Medical School and a physician at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital has been awarded one of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowships for the year 1925-26 it was announced by the trustees of the foundation last night.

This award will enable Dr. Bailey to make an exhaustive research in diseases of the nervous system, principally in the clinic of M. le Professor Claude, at the Asile St. Anne, Paris, France and the Laboratory of Dijoune at the University of Paris.

The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation was recently organized by former U. S. Senator and Mrs. Simon Guggenheim of New York City as a memorial to a son who died April 26, 1922. It has an endowment, received from Senator Guggenheim, of $3,000,000. The fellowships awarded by the Foundation provide stipends usually of $2500 a year.

The first general awards of Fellowships under the Foundation will be made in the spring of the 1926 for the academic year 1926-27, when from forty to fifty Fellows will be appointed.

Among the persons applying to the Foundation there were a certain number who for particular reasons found it necessary to go abroad to prosecute their researches during the academic year 1925-26.


From this number, fifteen, whose plans were most urgent and, in the opinion of the Trustees, most meritorious, have been selected for appointment in advance of the general awards.

The Fellows appointed have been selected from all parts of the United States, from Massachusetts to California, and will pursue research, not only in Europe, but as far afield as India, Mesopotamia, and South America. The list of appointments includes one woman.

The subjects for investigation range over a wide field, including music, international law, medicine, classical archeology, the Italian Renaissance, child psychology and numerous scientific subjects.
