
Wait a Minute--!


To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

Although I suspect that my own judgment of "The Moon is a Gong" may, if I see that production by the Dramatic Club, coincide with Mr. Morgan's prejudice, is it not a little hasty of Mr. Morgan to condemn the play in advance apparently on the sole ground that he does not approve of Mr. Dos Passes' opinions in Vanity Fair."

Must we assume that if Mr. Dos Passos is intellectually careless in Vanity Fair, he must be likewise in "The Moon is a Gong"?

Must we assume that the easy tools of the theatre can never produce a result as satisfactory as the more difficult and exacting technique of illusionism? Is there but one way of the drama, once and forever?

Indeed, may not the Dramatic Club waste its time if and as it sees fit, and without our regret."


And finally, is it not now too late to preserve the Dramatic Club from its follies and too early to criticise its production with justice". Bradley Fisk '26
