
Circolo to Hold Ball

The annual ball of the Circolo Italiano, it was announced last night, is to be held this year at the Copley-Plaza on Friday evening, May 15, at 9.30 o'clock. The proceeds of the ball, which seems to be already an assured financial success, are to go, as in the past, to the furtherance of the Italian Scholarship fund for the Harvard student who each year shows the most marked proficiency in the study of Italian.

In addition to the regular dancing and festivities, there are to be presented during supper a number of special attractions, including a clog dance by G. B. Moynahan '26 and J. H. S. Moynahan '21, a presentation by the three Bragiotti sisters, and piano accordion selections by an Italian artist.

Invitations to the ball will be sent out to members of the University the first of next week and not more than two tickets at $2.50 each may be obtained at the door on presentation of the invitations with the name of the guest to whom they were sent.
