

Final Match of Season Will Be Played in Providence Tomorrow--Soule May Not Play Against Blue

If Yale comes in behind the University golfers this afternoon, when the two teams clash on the neutral greens of the Rhode Island Country Club at Nayatt, it will be the twentieth consecutive victory for what can be safely said to be the University's most successful sport.

Captain Hodder's lineup was somewhat disturbed last night by the rumor that Soule would not be able to accompany the team to Rhode Island this afternoon. At a late hour it was not definitely decided one way or the other but it seemed probable that Soule would not play today.

The results of yesterday's test matches were kept secret and it was announced that the final lineup would not be picked until this morning. Captain Hodder, Mapes, Peirson, and Stimpson are sure to go. Barnum and Bohlen will probably be the other two, unless seven men are taken, in which case the seventh will be Bonbright.

Captain Dexter Cummings will lead off for the Eli golfers. He has been intercollegiate champion for the last two years and has set up a score of 71 for the Westchester Biltmore Country Club course, which has only been surpassed by Hagen. The remainder of his team, composed of Wattles, Flinn, Ordway, Haviland, and Tuttle, present a powerful array, which has only been defeated this year by Princeton. Although the latter fell before the University onslaught, it would be unwise to take much stock in the comparative scores, since they are still more undependable in golf than in any other sport.
