

California, Leland Stanford, Princeton, and Pennsylvania Also in Runnning for Title--Meet Starts Today

The track forces from the two California universities, from Pennsylvania and from Yale, which will try for intercollegiate honors at Franklin Field, Philadelphia, today and tomorrow, are well balanced teams, that from Princeton is powerful in the weight events, that from Harvard fast in the long and short runs.

These are undoubtedly the universities which will figure most prominently in the I. C. A. A. A. A. meet. Yale, who won last year's corresponding event at the Stadium, is favored by many who believe the crown will remain in the East. The University of California delegation arrived in Philadelphia 18 strong last Tuesday to get in shape for the meet. If it wins it will have four legs on the trophy cup, tieing Cornell.

Big Three Are Fairly Even

According to dual meet scores, the Big Three are nearly even this year. Although Princeton has beaten both Harvard and Yale by narrow margins, it did so more by getting second and third places than firsts. Against Yale the Tiger won but seven firsts to the Elis' eight. At the Stadium Princeton did better, getting nine of the 15 honors. Considering the three teams in an intercollegiate meet, however, both Yale and Harvard should outpoint Princeton. The significant factor in intercollegiates is the first men from each college in the various events. When pitted against the best talent of the country, men who get seconds and thirds in dual meets hardly figure.

It is true that the Tiger has valuable weight men in Hills, Gates, and Drews, and a good vaulter in Bradley, but beyond that it has no one likely to place. Yale, on the other hand, has Norton, who should place well in both dashes tomorrow, Captain Gage, who placed fifth in the quarter-mile last year, Gibson in the 880, Deacon, who jumped 6 feet 3 inches two weeks ago against Princeton and broad jumped 23 feet, and Bench, who hurls the javelin close to 190 feet.


Miller Out With Leg Injury

Miller, one of the Crimson's best bets, will be held over until the Yale meet on June 15 on account of the injury received in the short sprint last Saturday. Harvard, however, will invade Franklin Field with several prospective placers. Lundell in the 220, Kane and Allen in the quarter-mile, Watters, who won the half last year, Haggerty and Cutcheon, fast milers particularly when pushed, and Tibbetts and Ryan in the two-mile run. Of these, Tibbetts has the best chance for a first. Watters this season will come up against heavy opposition in Leness of M. I. T., Crawford of Dartmouth, who has already beaten him this spring. Marsters of Georgetown, and Boyden of California.

Last year Hill of Pennsylvania won both dashes. Wolf scored in the high hurdles. Owen won the pole vault, Sherman tied for second in the same event, and Casson tied for second in the high jump. All these Pennsylvania athletes are back this year to repeat or better their performances. If these men do as well as they did last year the Philadelphians will have 23 points besides anything new they can pick up. Anything above 25 points in a closely contested meet is a pretty sure win.
