The officers of the Phillips Brooks House Association announced last night that they would conduct a drive for books to add to the Text Book Loan Library, beginning next Monday, June 1 and ending at 5 o'clock on June 12.
This is the first time that a book drive has been carried on by Phillips Brooks House. It is made necessary this year by the enormous demand which has been made on the Loan Library. Over 1200 books have been loaned out this year and requests for books continued long after the supply was exhausted. The drive is being conducted at this time because students have completed their courses and have no further use for their text books. Lawrence Coolidge '27, Librarian, stated last night that, "We know that there are a great many books thrown away or lost at the end of each year and we want to collect them for our Text Book Loan Library."
The Loan Library has been a startling success ever since it was inaugurated. Men who feel the financial burden of buying the innumerable text books required in college courses have been enabled to take books from the P. B. H. library in the beginning of the year at a charge of 25 cents and on returning them in June have received 20 cents back. But the library is not limited to text books. Books of every nature, not necessarily used in college courses, form an important part of the library, and will be gladly received this spring in the course of the drive.
Arrangements have been made to cover the University thoroughly. Collectors, whose names and addresses will be announced as soon as they are chosen will not only make a room to room drive but will receive all contributions left at their rooms from June 1 to June 12. Two collections by automobile will be made, one on Friday. June 5, from 2 to 5 o'clock and one on Friday, June 12, at the same hours.
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