

Opportunity Will Be Offered for Study of Evolution--Eastern Religions to Be Examined at First Hand.

Dr. William Lord Smith '86, experienced scientist and world famous explorer, is offering a unique opportunity for Harvard men to broaden their education by a voyage around the world. He has planned the trip, which will last a year, for five or six graduates of the University, and has secured an assistant who is capable of giving instruction in biology, history, government, and comparative religions.

Big game hunting, in which Dr. Smith is a veteran, will be a very important part of the trip. Dr. Smith, whose experience as a sportsman has been extensive, has shot tigers in Korea, China, Java, and Persia, lions, elephants and buffalo in British East Africa and Somali-land, Kadiac bears in Alaska, cougars in Sonora, and nearly every other form of big game.

Has Contributed to Agassiz Museum

Many hunting trips have been led into the field by Dr. Smith in all quarters of the globe. As a proof of his prowess as a huntsman, several of the specimens which he procured in Africa are now in the Agassiz Museum of the University. Still others are the property of the Smithsonian Museum in Washington. The safety of a hunting trip under Dr. Smith is assured by the fact that he is a physician with full knowledge of how to ward off or cure the numerous diseases prevalent in the tropics.

The trip, which will start next September from San Francisco, will be fully provided with the most modern equipment. A library including works descriptive of the various countries on the itinerary will be taken.


Trip To Be Lesson in Evolution

Besides the recreational opportunities in the line of big game shooting and the other diversions which will be offered, Dr. Smith believes that the trip will be exceedingly helpful in its educational and religious aspects. "An object lesson in evolution" is how he characterizes it.

"At the present time," declares Dr. Smith, "we can find somewhere on the earth all the conditions in sociology, government, and religion which have been since man began his struggle for existence. The most broadening thing a man can do, and the most helpful in teaching anyone to push ahead on his own evolutionary journey, is to see actually the steps which humans have taken in attaining their present condition.

To Study Development of Animals

"These steps can clearly be seen in travelling from the far East to the West as I intend to do on my trip next fall. By visiting all the countries on my itinerary, we shall obtain a concept of the swing of evolution. Opportunity will be given to study the lower forms of animal life, in the case of birds from the cassowary to the bustard, and in the case of mammals from marsupials to elephants and domestic animals, and in the case of humans from the Papuan, with his simple tribal government to the more complex man farther North.

"Along the route of travel, it is intended to get in touch with foreign governments as well as United States officials. In order to localize Eastern religions, sacred mountains will be climbed, and sacred rivers and other spots holy to the Oriental will be visited. Particular care has been taken in arranging the schedule in such a way that each country will be visited in the best time for health, travel, and sport."

Itinerary Leads Through Eastern Cities

The itinerary will be as follows: Landing in Yokohama, the party will visit in Japan, Tokio, Niko, Kyoto, Kobi, and Nagasaki. Fujyama will be climbed. Thence the expedition will proceed to Korea, where Chemulpo and Seoul will be the points of greatest interest. Wild boar and tiger hunting will be engaged in here.

In China, the way leads to Pekin, Nankau Pass, the Old Wall of China, Shanghai, Hongkong, and Canton. Besides wild fowl shooting, there will also be opportunity to bag cave tigers. The upper end of the Malay peninsula will be negotiated by elephant-back. In Burmah, Dr. Smith will lead the way from Rangoon up the Irawaddy river to Mandalay, and thence to India, where he will visit Calcutta, Darjeeling, Benares, Delhi, Jaipur, Anidapur, Bombay and Madras. There will be tiger and wild cattle shooting. Through Ceylon, Singapore, and Java, the party will reach the South Seas where several islands will be visited on the way to Persia.

From Bagdad, the travelers will go to Palestine, thence to Europe, where the exact itinerary has not as yet been planned. Dr. Smith has declared that all graduates who might be interested in accompanying him can reach him at Old Lyme, Connecticut.
