


This afternoon will witness the first contest between the Crimson and Yale Freshmen when the 1928 track team encounters the Eli Freshmen. The first year track men go to New Haven to tackle the Blue on his own track, and will take the field anything but favorite to win the conflict.

Coach Farrell, who will leave with the team at an early hour this morning, did not have his usual optimism when speaking last night of the possible results. "Yale will start the meet", he said, "far and away the favorite. It will be the greatest feat of the spring if the Harvard Freshmen can come from behind and win." Coach Farrell added that in a recent conversation with the Yale coach he was told that the Blue Freshman team is probably the strongest that that University has produced in recent years.

Carr Is Blue Threat

The Yale strength is credited mainly to its individual stars. Probably the best known of the outfit is Carr, former Hill School athlete and Olympic try out contestant, who has pole-vaulted 13 feet and thrown the javelin over the 170 foot mark. Next ranking in fame are Larson and Edwards, of Mercersberg Academy, who have both high jumped over six feet.

In the quarter-mile the Blue has two exceptionally strong contestants in Ross and Terry, the first of whom has covered the distance in 50 4-5 seconds. The 880-yard run is also well covered by Hogan, former record holder at Choate, who has run the half mile in 1 minute and 58 seconds, and Berger who has done the distance in approximately the same time.


O'Neill Expected To Do Well

Although as a whole the Crimson Freshman records can not compare with those of Yale, Coach Farrell has several athletes upon whom he is counting to give a good account of themselves. Notable among these are Captain O'Neil, who has shown himself to be one of the biggest middle distance finds in years, Pratt, who should be a strong bidder for a place in almost every field event, and Burns, whose sprinting has shown in every 1928 meet to date.

Besides these men the Crimson will have Luttman, who should perform well at either the mile or two mile distance. Renoulf to high jump, and Brayton, another good prospect in the sprints. The hurdle men are Greenlet, captain of the Milton team last year, who will run the high hurdles, and Lomasney, another Milton graduate, for the low fences. Besides Pratt in the field will be Tucker to throw the hammer. May for the javelin, and Fordyce for the shot.
