

Winner Is Graduate of Wisconsin and Has Had Wide Experience as Labor Manager and Industrial Student

The Jacob Wertheim Research Fellowship for the Betterment of Industrial Relationships has been awarded by the Corporation for the academic year 1925-26 to Mr. William Haber of Madison, Wisconsin. Mr. Haber is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, where he received the John L. Mitchell medal for his thesis on the "United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners."

Since graduation, he has had experience as a labor manager and has prepared several special studies on industrial relations in the clothing industry. Mr. Haber plans to study the labor problem in the building industry in the light of the entire industrial situation in an attempt to discover the conditions in that industry which prevent stabilization and industrial peace. Attention will therefore be given not only to the immediate problems of industrial relations and industrial disputes, but also to the problems of seasonality, restriction of output, and price competition among manufacturers and dealers, and the relation of these problems to each other.

The Wertheim Research Fellowship was established in 1923 by gift of the family of the late Jacob Wertheim of New York.

The Committee on the Wertheim Fellowship consisted of Professor Frank W. Taussig '79, chairman, Professor Melvin T. Copeland '09, and Associate Professor James Ford '05.
