
Instrumental Clubs Elect

The result of the election of officers for the University Instrumental Clubs has been announced by the management. The officers elected are: President, Donald Coats Gates '26 of New York City; Vice-President. Richard Thomas Flood '27 of Brookline: Secretary-Treasurer. George Emerson Smith '26 of Worcester: Leader of the Banjo Club, George Beere Moynahan '23 of Mattapan: Leader of the Mandolin Club, Gordon Atherton Norton of Belmont: Leader of the Vocal Club. William Rowell Chase '26 of Brookline: Librarian, John Hill Monroe '27 of Brookline: Manager, Reginald Franklin Conroy Vance '26 of Fredericks burg, Va: and Assistant Manager, William Brewster Jr. '27 of Lewisburg, W. Va.
