

The Glee Club received a fitting tribute yesterday from Mr. Koussevitzky as a result of a series of brilliant public concerts given in Symphony Hall during the past year. Last spring, the rendering of Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony" was heralded a great achievement and established the organization as one of the foremost male choruses in America. The acclaim with which the recent performance of Brahms's "Requiem" was grooted, marks, however, a still greater triumph M. Koussevitzky paid the Glee Club a signal honor by acting as is cost conductor; now he adds his high praise in words which carry the weight of undoubted authority. He not only asserts that it is the best trained chorus in America, but gives it a place of international distinction. Dr. Davison, the individual members of the Glee Club, and the University at large may well feel proud of this tribute to indubitable merit and achievement.
