

Will Pitch to Maher Whose Saturday Showing Warrants Permanent Place Behind Bat

Two Holy Cross nines will invade Soldiers Field this afternoon when the Crimson opposes the Purple in the 1925 renewal of Harvard-Holy Cross baseball history, while Coach Davison's Freshmen will try to repeat the victory of the 1927 nine over the Worcester team.

No baseball team that comes to Soldiers Field meets perennially such opposition from the Crimson as does Holy Cross. Teams that are made up of future major league players represent the Worcester institution, and the paper calculations of the dopesters pick the Crimson to lose every year by overwhelming margins. Year after year, however, the Purple finds a fighting Harvard team that leaves the issue in doubt until the last man is out.

This afternoon's encounter bids fair to be no exception to the rule. The Holy Cross team has won 16 of its 17 starts this year, losing once to Villanova and later avenging the loss by trouncing the Pennsylvania team last Friday, Six regulars on the team are batting over the 300 mark to the trio of Harvard regulars who have earned that distinction. And, by way of climax, Owen Carroll, acknowledged ace of college pitchers, is slated to oppose the Crimson this afternoon.

The H. C. B. C. game scheduled for Saturday may lead Coach Barry to reserve his premier hurler. If he does decide to keep him on the bench this afternoon, Davidson will fill his place. Gautheau, who has amassed an average of .419 in the 17 games played so far, will lead off for Holy Cross at 4 o'clock this afternoon.

Facing Carroll, if he appears for the Purple, will be Toulmin, according to Coach Mahan's announcement last night. Toulmin has not seen action since the Pennsylvania game on Thursday, when he enjoyed fair success in keeping down the visitors' hits. He will probably pitch to Maher, who showed up well enough in the Dartmouth game on Saturday to warrant his displacement of Hoffman behind the bat. The rest of the line-up is unlikely to be changed, Hammond again starting at the initial sack, with Ullman at second.


At the same time that the University is facing the Purple, the 1928 nine will take on the Holy Cross Freshmen on the Freshman diamond. Captain Jones' nine seems fated to meet the strongest opposition it has had this year from the Holy Cross Freshmen. Filip, who is the leading slugger on a hard-hitting nine, collected three successive doubles in the game against Pomfret, which the Purple won, 15-7. O'Connell or Murphy will probably occupy the mound. Against them, Coach Davison has decided to start his regular line-up. Barbee is reported to have recovered entirely from his injury sustained in the Exeter game last week, but Linscott will probably be called upon to do the hurling. HARVARD  HOLY CROSS Zarakov 3b.  2b. Gautreau Ellison r.f.  3b. Walsh Todd l.f.  s.s. Cote Ullman 2b.  c.f. Savage Hammond 1b.  r.f. Morissey Burgess c.f.  l.f. Freeman Maher c.  1b. McEntee Howard s.s.  c. Doherty Toulmin p.  p. Carroll
