Spring football practice lost its trappings of unreality and showed its inexorable nature when the first squad was cut to 27 men yesterday. After a steadily mounting number of recruits had been recorded during the second and third day, the cut came as a complete surprise.
Eight letter men and four Freshmen who won their numerals last fall formed the nucleus around which the new first team rallied. Two elevens and a handful of substitutes ran through signal drill, despite the rain. The coaches announced that practice would be held every day of the period, whatever the weather conditions may be.
Tierney Stresses Individual Drill
With every man hidden under a hood the coaches put their men through individual drill. Coach Tierney was present in his new official capacity for the first time today. He instructed the line candidates in the rudiments of play for their various positions. Then two teams were formed and put through a short drill. No kicking or passing was attempted, because of the inclement weather.
Several letter men, engaged in spring sports, have been occasional visitors, but eight are listed as regulars. The even men now on the first squad are: Captain M. A. Cheek '26, J. W. Adie 24, J. R. Dean '27, E. F. Gamache '27, George Hoague '26, N. S. Howe '26, C. M Lindner '27, Madison Sayles '27.
Six Freshmen, A. O. Fordyce, W. F. Gallwey, G. I. Shapiro, B. C. Tripp, who won their numerals, and R. W. Turner and K. S. Walker, members of the Freshman squad, are numbered among the members of the present first squad.
The remainder of the men who survived the cut follows: C. E. Baldwin 26, C. H. Bradford '26, E. H. Bradford Jr. '26, E. C. Clark '27, E. S. Daniell '26, M. L. Donaldson '26, F. B. Hayne '26, B. L. Kilgour '27, W. B. Macomber '26, F. S. Moseley '27, E. R. Nash '26, H. I. Pratt '26, B. R. Taylor '26.
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Freshman Lacrosse