

Robinson Hall Display Has Paintings by Haffner, Murphy, Warren and Conant--Subjects Are Varied

Works in water color and in oil by members of the staff of the School of Architecture have been put on exhibition in Robinson Hall. The exhibition includes paintings by Professor Jean Jacques Haffner, Mr. H. Dudley Murphy, Mr. Harold Breadfield Warren, and Mr. Kenneth J Conant '15, on a wide variety of subjects. Included are architectural designs and imaginative compositions, landscapes, sketches in oil and water color, and plans.

"Mr. Murphy and Mr. Warren have shown their work yearly in the School of Architecture as well as in Boston and are well known to the community," said Dean George H. Edgell '09 in a statement to the CRIMSON yesterday.

"Professor Haffner," continued Dean Edgell, "is a more recent arrival, but his work in water color as well as in architecture is becoming well known in the United States. He is an architect by profession and winner of the Grand Prix de Rome, but the material on view at Robinson Hall shows that he might have been quite as successful a painter as he is an architect. Mr. Conant is especially well known to the public on account of his pencil sketches.


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