

Committee Will Still Receive Late Reports--Thinks Drive Should Have Been Conducted Earlier

The Student Friendship drive came to its final close last night with $2,000 still as the approximate figure for the amount collected. The campaign is definitely over except for the tabulation of the last reports of 24 collectors which have as yet made no report to the directing committee.

"I do not feel that the drive has been by any means a failure," said J. C. McGlone, chairman of the committee, last night. "The quota of $4,000 was set only because it was the amount subscribed by last year's drive, and, in view of the difficulties we have had to face in carrying on the present campaign, I believe that we have done as well as might be expected." McGlone also expressed his opinion that the amount will be considerably raised when the statements of the collectors are in.

In reviewing their campaign, also, the members of the committee announced that they believed that hereafter the drive will be conducted earlier in the year. It has also been suggested that instead of the present method of making a separate drive for each charitable fund that a budget system be adopted at the University which will take care of all such projects and could be subscribed to it a lump sum.

Drive Extended Three Days

The drive has been continued this year three days beyond the closing date first set by the committee.


The collectors appointed for the following entries have still failed to notify the committee in any way as to the amounts which they have collected: Apley Court; Apthorp House; Beck Hall, 31-47; Claverly Senior House; Conant Hall, 3-15; Dana Chambers, 21-34; Divinity Hall; Grays Hall, west entry; Grays Hall, east entry; Holworthy Hall, west entry; Holyoke House, 26-36; 5 Linden Street; 59 Mt. Auburn Street; 68 Mt. Auburn Street; Persis Smith Hall, entries A and B; Randolph Hall, 9-18; Standish Hall, entries A and B; Thayer Hall, 11-20; Walter Hastings Hall, first and fourth entries.
