Efforts are being made by Coach Lydecker, of the University lacrosse team, to attract the interest of more men in lacrosse at Harvard. In an interview with a CRIMSON reporter yesterday. Coach Lydecker declared that it was his immediate ambition to restore lacrosse as a sport to the prestige it enjoyed in Cambridge some years ago. when the University won a national championship.
"Lacrosse is a game which is proving increasingly popular in the colleges which are taking it up declared Coach Lydecker. A squad of over 100 men reports regularly at Syracuse, Cornell, and Pennsylvania. If I can get that many men out for lacrosse at Harvard, our prospects will not only be considerably enhanced for our contest with Yale, but there will be a team which will show favorably in all its contests. The immediate reaction to a good team this year, will be an added interest in lacrosse by the undergraduate body."
The University lacrosse schedule has been given out following the Athletic Committee's sanction of the proposed spring trip throuh New York State.
In the four-day interval between the contests with Syracuse and Colgate, where they will receive the assistance of Coach Cox, of the Syracuse stickmen, who is recognized as one of the foremost exponents of the game in America.
The complete schedule follows:
April 20--Syracuse at Syracuse.
April 25--Colgate at Colgate.
May 2--Union at Union.
May 9--Princeton.
May 13--Boston Lacrosse Club.
May 16--New York Lacrosse Club.
May 23--Yale at New Haven.
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