

President Lowell, Dean Leighton and Dr. Blake to Speak in New Lecture Hall at 9 O'clock Tomorrow

At a meeting which will be held at 9 o'clock tomorrow in the New Lecture Hall, the entire Freshman class Wills assemble to bear a discussion of the system of concentration and distribution which will first affect the class of 1928 in a few days.

The speakers at the meeting will be President Lowell, Assistant Dean Delmar Leighton '19, Secretary to the Committee on the Choice of Electives, and Dr. Robert P. Blake G '12, tutor in the Division of History. President Lowell will speak on the purpose and the general results of the system of distribution and concentration. Dean Leighton will take up the specific application of the system and the steps which must be taken by each Freshman this spring, and Dr. Blake will speak on the relation of tutor to student throughout the college course.

Attendance is compulsory for all Freshmen, who will be excused from 9 o'clock classes tomorrow.

The meeting is occasioned by an innovation introduced by the Committee on the Choice of Electives. This provides that Freshmen shall state on or before May 9 the field in which they mean to concentrate during their college course and the courses which they will take to satisfy their distribution requirements.

In order to facilitate this choice, pamphlets and other printed material have been issued by the Committee on the Choice of Electives, which elucidate the conditions regulation the choice of a field of concentration. These pamphlets, together with blank forms, have been sent through the mails and will be received by Freshmen today and tomorrow.
