


As a result of the vote of the recent meeting of the Athletic Committee, it has been decided to discontinue the maintenance of a Freshman golf team for an indefinite period, it was announced last night through the H. A. A. The action to suspend the Freshman team was taken because the Committee believes that at present the facilities for practice by Freshmen are not adequate. The wording of the vote was to discontinue the team only "until opportunities for general participation in golf should be available."

The Committee also decided at its meeting not to award medals to the members of the University squash team for winning the national championship as was suggested by the Student Council. The reason given for not passing upon the suggestion of the Council was that the team had already been rewarded individually by the National Squash Racquets Association.

Allow Freshman Basketball Trip

The petition that the Freshman basketball team next year should be permitted to make a trip to Hanover to play the Dartmouth 1929 team was granted by the Committee. This trip, which has never before been undertaken by a Freshman team will be made for a return game with the Dartmouth Freshmen, who came to Cambridge this winter.

Another action of the Committee was the authorization of a spring trip for the Lacrosse team. The team will make a trip under coach Lydecker through New York state from April 19 to April 25.


Finally it was voted by the Committee "to accept with thanks" the offer of Bernon S. Prentice '05 to donate a cup, for matches to be played between the combined Harvard and Yale tennis teams and the Oxford and Cambridge teams. The cup was offered by Mr. Prentice on condition that it should be contested alternately in the United States and in England, though not necessarily annually. The Committee agreed to this condition in accepting the offer.
