Immediately following the spring recess, on Wednesday, April 29, the fifteenth annual group of divisional examinations will begin, to continue until May 21. The addition this year of Ancient and Modern Languages to the group of examinations marks the continued growth of the system.
On Wednesday, April 29, History, Government, and Economics general examinations will be given from 9.15 to 12.15 in Memorial Hall, Social Ethics from 9.30 to 11 in Emerson D, and the Bible and Shakespeare from 2 to 4 in the New Lecture Hall.
On Thursday, April 30, the departmental examinations in History, Government, and Economics will be held in Memorial Hall from 9.15 to 12.15, and the essay examination of Social Ethics from 9.30 to 12.30 in Emerson O.
On Friday, May 1, a written examination in Anthropology will begin at 9.15 in Peabody Museum, the general examination in History and Literature will be held from 9 to 1 in Emerson -D, and a topical examination in Social Ethics from 9.30 to 12.30 in Emerson D. Friday afternoon from 2 to 4 an examination on Authors, Ancient and Modern, will be given in the New Lecture Hall.
The first week of the divisionals ends on Saturday with the special examination in History, Government, and Economics, held from 9.15 to 12.15 in Memorial Hall. A case examination in the allied fields of Philosophy and Psychology and Social Ethics will be conducted by the Social Ethics department from 9.30 to 12.30 in Emerson O.