


The Liberal Club announced last night the passage of a resolution condemning the recent action of; the authorities of Boston University in suppressing the latest issue of the Bean Pot as a "violation of the right of free discussion, "and a deplorable" restriction upon the freedom of college journals."

The text of the resolution follows:

"Resolved: That the Harvard Liberal Club in accordance with the fundamental principles of its constitution, deplores any and every violation of the right of free discussion; and deplores particularly restrictions upon the freedom of college journals.

"Also, That the action of Dean Lord in suppressing the latest issue of the Bean Pot and in dismissing its editorial board constitutes such an infringement of free speech; and that the following letter reveals an attitude wholly to be condemned.

"'My dear Miss Perkins:


"'I find it somewhat difficult to express the indignation that I feel after reading the current issue of the Bean Pot. I do not expect a comic periodical to be dignified in tone nor entirely truthful. I look for a degree of exaggeration in its columns. Existing standards condone the lack of dignity and truthfulness which characterize many of these publications.

"'But in the R. O. T. C. number of the Bean Pot, you have, I feel, gone beyond all bounds. You have filled the pages with material obviously intended to cast ridicule upon the one organization of Boston University which directly represents your nation's honor. You have adopted the tone of the pacifist, the slacker, the renegade, and the traitor. You have produced a magazine which is a disgrace to Boston University.

"'The trustees of this university permitted the publication of the Bean Pot this year only at my personal solicitation: I am held responsible for its utterances. So far as such a thing is possible, I must secure retraction of your published opinions. I shall, therefore, refuse to permit another issue of the Bean Pot unless the entire editorial board is changed, and I am so advising the business manager and associates. I shall ask Dean Warren to discuss your standing with the Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts. "'Yours sincerely,   "'Everest W. Lord.

Copies of this resolution have been sent to Dean Lord and to Miss Perkins.
