"Laugh It Off" will be officially launched on its career tonight at 8 o'clock when the graduates performance begins. Not until Friday evening will there be an open performance, when undergraduates will have their first sight of this year's Hasty Pudding Show.
Special Performance For Cantor
The performance tonight, while officially the first, was preceded by a special show early Saturday morning for the benefit of Eddie Cantor and several of his friends. Mr. Cantor, in an interview Saturday night before his farewell appearance, pronounced "Laugh It Off" to be the best non-professional production I've ever seen.
"I have many things to praise and only one to censure. The music is great and several of the songs may be hits. The plot is just what is needed and has not enough bulk to be obtrusive. All the dancing is remarkable.
Has Only One Criticism
"The show is all set, if they give as good a performance as at 12 o'clock Friday night. If the actors can equal the dancers in assurance, the show will rival its professional contemporaries. I criticise only the book in which the remarkable undergraduate spirit which pervades the rest of the show becomes professional. The authors have introduced a series of 'laughs from the shows' which, however clever, seem out of place."
Undergraduate performances will be given Friday and Saturday evenings. Tickets for these shows are on sale at beavitt and Peirce's.