At the annual dinner of the Phillips Brooks House Association held last night, the officers of the 13 departments made their reports for the current your 1924-25.
In addition to the report of the President, the Librarian, and the Religious Work Secretary, the list includes the reports of the Christian Association, the St. Paul's Society, the Chapel Committee, St. Paul's Catholic Club, the Harvard Mission, the Graduate Schools Society, Medical School Committee, Dental School Society, Las School Society, and the Social Service Committee.
The reports, in full, follow:
Owes Its Success to Personal Interest, Says President
Since the reports of the various committees have outlined in detail what Phillips Brooks House has been doing this past year, I shall take up merely a discussion of general policies and some details which have not been mentioned.
This year's cabinet took office last April. Under its direction the work for the year began. Theodore Pearson '25 was appointed to take charge of the Class Day Spread, which was held in June, and was attended by 279 guests. Some 2500 copies of the Harvard Handbook were Issued in the fall under the business management of A. R. Sharp '25 and his assistants, A. T. Coyle '27, S. H. Hallowell '27, G. P. Strugls '27, and R. A. Magowan '27. A great many men find this book useful, for it contains practically all information necessary for new students. Because so many of these men are unable to find rooms and get located, an information bureau stands ready at the beginning of the academic year to answer all sorts of inquiries. This was run again this last fall by M. A. Check '26.
Activities Explained To 1928
For the benefit of the Freshman who wishes to become acquainted with the leaders of University activities and to find out in which of these activities his interests lie, a reception is held. This year, on September 28, the speakers were: John Richardson '08, M. W. Greenough '25, Captain of the football team, Professor G. G. Wilson, Gardner Cowles '25, President of the CRIMSON, W. W. Scott '25, President of the Lampoon, John Finley '25, President of the Advocate, and Alden Briggs '25. President of the Glee Club. B. F. Rice Bassett '25 Presided.
Two Open Houses were held as usual, one at Thanksgiving, in charge of C. H. Beale '26, and the other at Christmas, run by H. G. Dorman '26.
See Greater Efficiency
It can not be denied that much detailed work is done by Phillips Brooks House. This is clearly evidenced by Voluminous reports carefully prepared every year by the many committees connected with this federation. But what do these reports mean and toward what end do they point? Do they signify that our work here is really progressing? Is Phillips Brooks House meaning more and more each year to the undergraduate? Or is our work becoming less and less useful? These are the questions which must be answered in order to frame such policies as will make for progress. This past year I feel that our work has taken the direction of more efficiency, not however, sacrificing the personal element, and of attaining a more powerful position in the eyes of the undergraduate. There are two reasons which account to a great extent for these improvements. One is because we are stressing not the soliciting of large numbers men to serve the interests of Phillips Brooks House, but the quality of the persons volunteering their services. We would rather have only 25 good earnest workers than a hundred half-hearted martyr volunteers. We frankly do not want a man to be the leader of a boys club or do any work here unless he has the interest of Phillips Brooks House very much at heart. There is no use having an organization of any kind unless every person connected with it is giving his best work. Therefore, I maintain that, unless our officers continue the policy of permitting only wholehearted volunteers to serve, this organization will fail and never hold a position of importance in the life of the undergraduate. The other reason is because Brooks House itself is being used more than ever before for lectures conferences, and dinners. This follows a policy begun this year of confining as nearly as possible all activities in this building. In this way the undergraduate is becoming more and more acquainted with the building itself and with the work done here. For there is no doubt that the more the student body knows what Phillips Brooks House means by actual contact with it, the stronger its position in the students' estimation. For the work of Brooks House speaks for itself. But we must make every effort to inform those who do not know about what is going on here.
Appleton Thought Inadequate
Before closing I wish to mention that this year's cabinet recommended the building of a new chapel. For it has long been thought that Appleton Chapel was inadequate and inappropriate to be in accord with the religious life and tradition of Harvard University. Also, as you have already heard, a petition has been sent in to the Committee on Instruction requesting them to provide a course on religion established on similar lines to the course in History I and Philosophy A, with a view to giving a student a chance to learn the complete history of religion. Respectfully submitted. B. F. Rice Bassett '25, President.
Christian Association Has Many Varied Activities
Although no great changes have taken place in the work of the Christian Association this year, some minor changes have been made and the scope of the work somewhat enlarged, which will undoubtedly mean important changes in the future.