

Only 53 Places Remain in Quota for Next Fall--No Room Reserved for Harvard College Men

Applications for admission to the Business School next fall have reached 287 to date, and of this number 62 are men graduating this June from Harvard College, according to an announcement issued by the Harvard Business School yesterday. Simultaneous with this announcement figures for the enrollment including men entering in February for the year 1924-25.

Inasmuch as the entering class of the Business School next September is limited by vote of the Faculty to 340, it is suggested at the office of the Dean of the Business School that all Harvard men contemplating applying for admission to the School should act promptly to insure an opportunity for entrance. No places are held for Harvard College men who do not make formal application, and as soon as the limit has been reached the School will be closed to further applicants.

The School numbers at present 695 students, which is an increase of 95 over the last year. Included in this enrollment there are 39 foreign students from 16 countries. One hundred and eighty-four colleges are represented, and students have come from every state in the Union.

The Business School has long been famed for its cosmopolitan membership and for the congestion of its waiting lists, it being necessary every year to fix a limit.

The colleges are represented as follows: Harvard 123. Leland Stanford 20. University of California and Dartmouth each 18. University of Kansas and Yale each 14. University of Minnesota 13. Oberlin College 12.


The representation by states is as follows: Massachusetts 155, New York 55, Ohio 52, California 45, Pennsylvania 27, Minnesota 24, Indiana, Iowa, and Kansas each 20.
