Announcement is made of the list of collectors for the annual Phillips Brooks House Association spring drive for old clothing. The drive, which is under the direction of B. L. Kilgour '27, will last until Thursday, when a truck will be sent around to collect the clothes. The complete list of collectors follows:
Andover--W. W. Lundell 1T.S.
1-22--G. B. Bridgforth 1G.B.
23-44--F. G. Connell 1G.B.
45-66--J. G. Pollard 2G.B.
67-88--I. M. Johsnton 3G.
3-20--O. H. Taylor 2G.
21-32--R. A. Loring 3G.
33-48--P. H. Buck 3G.
1-20--A. B. Burritt 3S.L.A.
21-42--V. C. Morton 2G.
Walter Hastings: