

Coach Issues Call for New Material--Says "I Appeal to Every Man in the University, Above All Freshmen"

A meeting of all men who expect to compete in any branch of University track this spring will be the signal that rings up the curtain for Coach Farrell's season at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Immediately after the meeting preparations will begin for the longest and most strenuous campaign which the Crimson runners have had to face in several years.

Outdoor Meets Within a Month

With outdoor competition looming within the coming month, Coach Farrell will emphasize to his men the importance of their preliminary training and early development. He has declared himself well satisfied with the winter results and, although he is optimistic over spring prospects, his self-expressed, slogan is one of "determined effort." He expects to take the season slowly and "in stride" but desires as good a showing as possible in the first meet, which is but 19 days away.

The four-mile relay team will start off the season's schedule when it enters the relay meet at Concord on April 19. It will be the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the battle of Lexington and Concord and it is possible that the University will have a look at the Dartmouth runners, who are schedule to compete in the affair. Six days later the relay men will journey to the Penn Relays for April 24 and 25 accompanied by a few individual entrants in other events.

Building For Tech Meet


"The meet for which I am really Building, however," said Coach Farrell last night, "is the M. I. T. meet 'which will come at the Stadium on May 9. It should be exceptionally close this year and, although I do not expect my men to be at the peak of training, it will be a real test of their ability."

Coach Farrell has stressed the fact that the success or failure of the year always depends largely upon the new material. "I appeal", he said last night, "to every man in the University, whatever his other activities or experience, to come out for track. Above all I need Freshmen to make this a winning season".
