

89 Out of 116 Confine Activities to Studies--Several Athletes Listed--30 Men in Group I

The personnel of the first two groups in the Rank List, as made up on the basis of mid-year grades, proves beyond dispute the fact that the great majority of the highest ranking students confine their attention to their studies to the exclusion of extra-curriculum activities.

An examination of the records, exclusive of Freshmen, of whom records are not available, shows that 23 men out of 30 in Group I have participated in no outside activities, and that 66 out of 86 men in Group II have similarly restricted their attention to scholastic pursuits. These figures are derived from the activities as listed in the Register for 1924-25, and so may not include some men who have entered upon extra-curriculum work this year. Some men who have competed unsuccessfully in such activities are also of necessity omitted.

More on List Than Last Year

Following the mid-year examinations, 504 students were placed on the Dean's List, a number notably larger than last year when 463 men were successful. The students were divided among the classes as follows: 139 Seniors, 131 Juniors, 119 Sophomores, and 115 Freshmen. This is an increase, in the case of the Freshman and Sophomore classes of about 3 and 2 per cent, respectively.

There are 45 Seniors, 37 Juniors, 34 Sophomores, 23 Freshmen and one Out of course student in the first two groups. This list contains four CRIMSON editors, among them the editorial chairman; the vice-president of the Union; 12 members of the Glee Club, including the acting manager; the captain of the track team and two other members of the squad; a basketball letter-man; the stroke of the second University crew; the president of the Advocate; four members of the band; three members of the Pierian Sodality, including the president; four debaters with the vice-president and manager of the debating council; two Senior class officers; a member of the Freshman squash team; and three members of the Freshman Musical Clubs.


Thus almost every one of the extra curriculum activities is represented by high ranking students, but in the above tabulation several men are counted more than once, as they have taken part in more than one activity.

The following men have made Group I:

1925: Isaac Margolis Barnett, New York City; Aaron Jacob Bronstein, Brookline; Arthur Barton Brown, Roxbury; Ettore Francis Carniglia, Windsor Locks, Conn.; Dana Bennett Durand, Washington, D. C.; Mason Hammond, Nahant; Kyung-Duck Har, Chunju, Korea; Moses Samuel Huberman, Portland, Me.; Raymond Lincoln Kilgour, Lexington; Edward George Lowry Jr., Washington, D. C.; Morris Marden, Winthrop; Howard Parker Sharp; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Bernard Sowman, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Donald Devenish Walsh, Dorchester.

1926: Paul Michael Fekula, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Raymond Matthew Fuoss, Altoona, Pa.; Theodore Benedict Massell, Brookline; J. Robert Oppenheimer, Bay Shore, L. L. N. Y.; Jule Elias Stocker, Detroit. Mich.; John Ellrington Stocker, Brooklyn, N. Y.; David William Wallwork, North Andover.

1927: Albert Eldred Currier Hyaunts Eugene Eisenmann, New Orleans, La; Summer Wilson Elton, Dorchester; Milton Irving Katz, Brooklyn, N. Y.; George Thomas Major, Easthampton; Norman Warren Schur, Beachmont; Philip Solomon, Cleveland, O.; Lewis Hymene Weinstein, Portland, Me.

1928: Jerome, Sidney Lieberman J: Kansas City, Mo; Martin Tall, Dorchester.
