
Copeland Received With Enthusiasm in New York

Copeland Club Formed Over 20 Years Ago--Increase in Interest Steady

New York N. Y., March 6. Professor Charles Townsend Copeland '82 was greeted here tonight by an audience of graduates which overtaxed the standingroom capacity of the new Nicholas Biddle Memorial Room of the Harvard Club of New York. The occasion was Professor Copeland's twenty-first annual reading for the members of the New York club and his first appearance here since his appointment as Boylston Professor of English. Enthusiasm reached a high pitch.

It was recalled tonight that Professor Copeland made his first visits and gave his first reading at this club more than two decades ago at the invitation of a committee of which Jerome D. Greene '97 and Langdon P. Marvin '98 were members. At that time the Charles Townsend Copeland Alumni Association was formed and the custom of holding an informal dinner on the night following the reading was instituted. As the years have passed and more and more men have realized the contribution of Professor Copeland to the life of the University, the Association has grown into a very large group. Samuel A. Welldon '04, chairman of the committee on arrangements, said today that all attendance records will be broken at the dinner to be given to Professor Copeland tomorrow night, stating that more than 125 men will be present.

Mr. Welldon will preside, and among these invited to speak are Langdon P. Marvin '98, Francis R. Appleton '75, Thomas W. Sloeum '90, Jerome D Greene '96, Arthur A. Ballantine '04, James Byrne '77, Richard Douglas '12, Dr. Walter C. Bailey '91, John Gallishaw '17. Paul HcIlister '13, James F. Curtis '99, Heywood Broun '10, Walter Pritchard Eaton '00. Alexander Woollcott, Robert C. Benchley '12, Robert E. Sherwood '17, and Professor Copeland.
