
Decision Tonight to End Suspense of Football Men

Daly, Wendell, and Hardwick Are Mentioned--Fisher Still a Distinct Possibility

Three months of anxious expectation on the part of all followers of University athletics will, in all probability, come to an end tonight when the Athletic Committee meets for a final decision as to a head coach for the 1925 football team. Speculations concerning innumerable possibilities have been widespread since the close of the past season, and have become even more rife since the resignation of Coach Robert T. Fisher on February 5. A definite settlement of the whole affair is fully expected as a result of tonight's conclave.

Football Committee Has Acted

According to reports the matter has already passed through the hands of the Football Advisory Committee who have made their recommendation for the appointment. All that remains to be done is the vote of the Athletic Committee when they assemble this evening.

Among the numerous possibilities touted for the appointment, the most widely discussed has undoubtedly been that of Major Charles D. Daly '01, University athlete, former CRIMSON editor, and West Point coach. Although emphatic denials of his consideration have somewhat discounted him as a probable choice, such action is still possible.

Wendell and Hardwick Mentioned


Other likely aspirants considered are Percy Wendell '15 and H. R. Hardwek '15. Wendell is the present coach at Lehigh and former mentor of the Williams team, while Hardwick is well known to the University as the star of the 1914 eleven.

Not least among the considerations is a possibility of the return of Coach Fisher. Although his resignation has been accepted by the Committee, it is still considered within the bonds of possibility that he might again take up his duties in the case of a re-appointment.

As soon as the Committee names its choice, the Spring football program will no doubt get under way. Spring practice will be arranged for either just before or following spring vacation.
