

Old Partner of Tuck Likes Work of Chorus--New System of Alternates Adopted This Year

The revised personnel of the men's and girl's choruses and the band of "Laugh It Off," the forthcoming production of Hasty Pudding Club, was announced last night. The cast of principals, the announcement stated, remained unchanged.

The girl's chorus is composed of N. S. Hesse '27, W. R. Wiste; '27, F. V. Crane '25, Austin Wood '26, J. O. Rosecrans '27, S. F. Collier '26, R. L. Pruyn '27, and Russell Dewart '26.

The men's chorus will consist of C. I. Wylde '27, R. A. Jordan Jr. '26, Lendon Snedeker '25, G. E. Smith Jr. '26, F. McC. Eaton '27, O. A. Pendar '27, A. J. Cassatt '27, P. R. Pease '26, and Lindsley Austin '26.

The band will include Thayer Cummings '26, A. G. Carrillo '26, G. B. Moynahan '26, P. K. Brown '26, J. G. Wright '25, N. S. Hesse '27, and W. L. Tibbetts Jr. '26.

Owing to the fact that the coaches could draw from the Sophomore as well as from the Junior and Senior classes, there is an unusual amount of good material available. Rehearsals have been held daily and the choruses are rapidly learning many new and intricate steps.


This dancing is under the direction of Thomas, Nip, formerly of the vaudeville team of Nip and Tuck, and now with Ed Wynn in his new show "The Grab Bag." Mr. Nip is warm in his praise of the chorus dancing, declaring "they know more steps and do them better than the girls in any show in town."

This year, for the first time, the Hasty Pudding is using a system of alternates, or substitutes. There have been retained a certain number of extra men for the choruses, who will go on the spring trip with the rest of the cast. This alternate system has its chief advantage in that it will enable the competitive spirit to continue throughout the whole time of the rehearsals and trip. If anyone of the substitutes becomes more proficient than one of the regular members of the chorus, he will, of course be substituted.
