

At a time when so many questions are pressing for attention, it is doubly regrettable that Harvard has no forum for the focussing of student opinion. The Debating Union, spontaneously and enthusiastically organized last year, held several well attended meetings at which surprising interest, knowledge and forensic ability were revealed. While no startling rhetorical talent was discovered, the quality of the discussions was distinctly intelligent, and appeared to improve with each meeting as the participants, and anyone might participate, gained experience. During the first term of the current scholastic year, more successful meetings were held, which in addition had an undoubted educational value in clarifying to the student body the issues of the presidential campaign.

Why has this excellent institution for no very obvious reason, lapsed into discard? Such an organization performs manifold services. For developing ability in clear and forceful expression, it has no rival. It would be useful as a clearing-house of undergraduate and graduate, even faculty, opinion. But principally the value of this sort of organization lies in forcing young men to think about the problems they will soon, be called on to face. In the Oxford Union the great issues of the nineteenth century were first tussled over. The Debating Union can fulfill a real function; as a center of learning and thought. The University cannot dispense with a forum of opinion and discussion.
