Entries for the University Championship wrestling tournament will be received today at Hemenway Gymnasium in the lobby downstairs and in the Wrestling Room, closing at 6 o'clock this evening. The contest will take place tomorrow night beginning at 8 o'clock. Any student in the University is eligible to try for the title in his weight-class, three pounds overweight being allowed. Medals, gold for winner and silver for runner-up, will be awarded in each class.
Champions from last year's tournament are:
115-Pound Class--Milton Krook '25
125-Pound Class--K. C. Williams 21.
135-Pound Class--T. H. Malmud '25. (ex).
145-Pound Class--F. B. Hill '26
158-Pound Class--A. W. Craven 21.
175-Pound Class--E. S. Daniell '26.
Heavyweight Class--C. A. C. Eastman 1G.
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