
In the Graduate Schools

Dean Donham Will Name Jury--Four Classifications for Awards

Announcement has been made of the terms under which the Harvard Advertising Awards for 1921, founded by Edward W. Bok, will be administered. The Jury of Award will be chosen by Dean Wallace B. Donham '98, Dean of the Business School. The awards for 1925, which will be announced in January, 1926, will cover the period from October 1, 1924, to December 31, 1925, and will be limited to newspaper and periodical advertising in the United States and Canada.

Give Four Classifications

The awards will be made under four classifications as follows:

(1) A gold medal to organization or individual who is deemed by the Jury to merit recognition for distinguished contemporary service to advertising.

(2) Two Awards of $2,000 each for the national and local advertising campaigns considered to be best.


(3) Two Awards of $2,000 each for scientific research in advertising.

(4) Three awards of $1,000 each for distinguished individual advertisements.

Plan Similar To Last Year's

The plan of classification of the awards is similar to that applied to the 1924 awards, under which a gold medal was given to the national Vigilance Committee of the Associated Advertising Clubs for distinguished services to advertising. Cash prizes were awarded to the J. Walter Thompson Company, to Lever Brothers Company, and to Barton, Durstine, and Osborn for the campaign of the General Motors Company and of R. H. Macy Company of New York.

Awards for individual advertisements in 1924 were made to the Metropolitan insurance Company, to Erma Perham Proetz of the Gardner Advertising Company of St. Louis, and to L. Hayward Bartlett of the Eastman Kodak Company of Rochester.
