That a Christian cannot go to war and at the same time follow out the doctrines of his religion, was the message which the Reverend Leyton Richards, churchman, pacifist, and Englishman, brought to the audience in Peabody Hall last night, at a meeting held under the joint auspices of the St. Paul's Society and the Fellowship of Youth for Peace.
"The teachings of Christ and the institution of war are two irreconcilable ideas", said Dr. Richards, who is calling upon the Christian peoples of the world to lend all their energies to an active combat with the power which the war system holds over humanity. Dr. Richards is himself a pacifist and was one all during the last war. His doctrine of pacifism, however, as he stated in his speech last night, is not one of meek submission. "Non-resistance and non cooperation will not achieve world peace", said Dr. Richards. "War must be combatted, and a definite stand must be taken against the institution and all it implies."
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