

Practice Begins at Meetings Tonight--Will Hold No Trials--Everybody Is Eligible--Announce Coaches

Practice for the Freshman Hall choruses which are to sing in the contest at the Freshman Jubilee in May; will begin tonight when the candidates meet in the common rooms of their respective halls to organize the choruses and held the first rehearsal.

At the Jubilee each chorus will sing three selections, one of which will be a prize song rendered by all the choruses. From now on until May, weekly rehearsals of half an hour in length will be held to practice old college songs, folk songs, and other popular tunes, from which three will be chosen for the contest. The prize awarded to the winning hall will be a jeweled silver cup, now in the possession of Smith, while the leader of the winning hall will receive a silver ornamented baton. President Lowell will make the presentation of the prizes.

Members of the University Glee Cub will act as coaches for the Freshman choruses. The various coaches for the different halls are: for Smith C. S. Smith '28; for Gore, G. S. Station '27; for Standish, R. P. MacFadden '26. All the residents of the Freshman dormitories are eligible for the choruses. According to Dr. A. W. Wright '17, there will be retrials for the hall choruses and the large the chorus, the better the chance of winning. The only competition in connection with the Jubilee singing will be for the chorus leaders, for whom trials will be held in about a week.
