The list of courses in the college and the Engineering school beginning in the second half year are listed below. Instructors have the right to exclude men from their courses who do not attend the first class.
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News from the HousesNext Monday marks the beginning of House sports for the second term. Six squash matches are scheduled for that day,
NAMES FIRST MEETINGSAll students electing courses of study beginning in the second half year are required by a ruling of the College
ISSUE REVISED FIRST MEETING LISTStudents electing courses in the second half year are required to attend the first meetings of courses as indicated. All
Where and When Second Half Year Courses Will MeetANTHROPOLOGY A Mon. at 12Semitic Mus. 1 5b Mon. at 10 Peabody Mus. 8 Mon. at 3 Peabody Mus. 11 Mon. at
CONSULTATION HOURS FOR HOUSE APPLICANTSADAMS HOUSE Dr. D. M. Little, Master's Lodgings, (use Study entrance opposite CRIMSON building on Plympton Street): Mon., Tues., 10-12