The opening of the competition for the business board of the CRIMSON on next Thursday evening offers many attractive experiences to men who have a business turn of mind and who have any inclination to sell advertising.
A candidate for this department finds himself in a position to meet many of the influential business and professional men in Cambridge and Boston. In doing the work required the candidates are also able to come into personal contact with the many large industries and corporations which advertise in the CRIMSON or have business relations with it.
The work to be done in this competition involves very few routine jobs. In soliciting advertisements the candidates see new things and new people each day. The office work is light and there is no night work demanded of the men in this competition.
The candidates who are fortunate enough to make the board compete in their Sophomore year for the two positions of assistant business managers. Two men are selected for these places. In their Junior year the assistant business managers compete for the business managership. The winner becomes manager in his Senior year.
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