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To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
I am immeasurably grieved that Mr. King has so misinterpreted the attitude of the Lampoon in its Business School Number. Mr. King takes up the standard for his alma mater with all the vehemence that we love to see in red-blooded American business men. It is such qualities that have made Harvard's Business School and such qualities which will assure that worthy dispensary, long life.
Mr. King has, however, in his sensitive zeal, mistaken what the Lampoon intended for the most unmitigated propaganda. I have it on good authority that the Lampoon editors, rather ashamed of their past misdemeanors, felt the time was propitious to recoup their lost prestige, by a whole hearted and enthusiastic hosanna for this meritorious department of the University. Through the number they are their level best to praise the Business School. It was a very unselfish thing to do, I believe, and I am sure that the rest of the college agrees with me.
Mr. King has grieved the editors. Here they have gone to great pains to show their kindly spirit and to do a Good Turn, and what is their reward? Only as ever, knocks, harsh criticism! I tell you, it is mighty discouraging. But I know that Mr. King and other members of the Business School who are laboring under the same misapprehension will, now that they understand the fine motives which inspired the Lampoon to this beneficent act, be more than ready to rescind their criticism and counter with gratitude to their benefactors. Talbot Wegg '25.
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