Only about 30 of the 800 application blanks for the Junior Prom which were mailed by the Junior Dance Committee on January 23, have been returned to date, according to an announcement made last evening.
Last night the Committee urgently requested that all men who have not already done so, will send in their applications before the end of the week if possible. Box applications do not have to be mailed with the ticket applications, but the lists should be sent if possible by the end of this week to the box chairman. Only groups of either six or 12 couples can make application for boxes, and they must send in both their own names and those of the girls they are bringing. No group of stags can hire a box together.
The invitations to the girls together with their tickets will be mailed on February 16, and two programs and a ticket will be mailed to each man on the same date.
Lossez's 25 piece orchestra has been engaged for the evening. It has not played before at a Junior Prom but played last year at the Freshman Jubilee.
There will be dancing from 9.30 till 12.30 o'clock when supper will be served separately in the boxes. All the stags will be served in a room upstairs, After supper dancing will be continued.
The Committee also wishes to call attention to the fact that each man is hold responsible for his guests. They will hold office hours from one to two o'clock every day except Sunday at Weld 38, for the purpose of receiving applications and deciding on the eligibity of men to attend the Prom. At these hours they can also be reached by telephone, at Porter 0799-W.
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