Tickets at half price are being offered to members of the University for "L'Abbe Constantin," which is to be presented in French at Jordan Hall on Saturday evening, February 28. The prices for University men will be from 75 cents to $1.50.
Members of the Cercle Francais will take part in the play, a three act comedy which is based on Halevy's famous novel of the same name. The work is under the direction of M. Ernest Perrin, who has directed the Cerele plays almost continuously since 1901.
The part of De Larnae is being played by J. D. Lodge '25, the president of the Cercle, and the role of Paul de Lavardens goes to Ernest Iselin '26, a veteran of many former French plays. Emlen Etting '28, who distinguished himself in the Cercle's fall production "Le Monde on Pon s'ennuie" is playing the part of Jean Reynaud and M. Perrin is taking the title-role.
The cast is as follows:
Ticket may be obtained from M' Perrin at Jordan Hall, or at Herrick's.
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