

Curley Refuses Permission to Speak in Boston--Frankfurter Attacks Him--No Cambridge Ban

The Liberal Club has announced that Margaret Sanger, the well known authority on birth control, will give a luncheon talk at the club on the "General Subject of Birth Control" on March 3, during the course of her visit, to Boston in the first week of March. Her lecture is one of a series which the club is giving on the population question.

Frankfurter For Free Speech

Ample evidence that any address which Miss Sanger gives in Boston with be interfered with by Mayor James H. Curley has been evinced in the last few days by the authorities at City Hall. The mayor has persistently maintained his stand against the granting of a license for the discussion of birth control. Among the many organizations which have taken a decided stand against the mayor is the American Civil Liberties Union. At a recent meeting of this organization Professor Felix Frankfurter LL.B. '06 of the University Law School attacked Mayor Curley's attitude on the ground that it was an infringement of the right of free speech.

Cannot Stop University Meeting

Mayor Quinn of Cambridge has taken a stand on the question different from that of Mayor Curley's. When interviewed by a CRIMSON reporter yesterday he said that in the first place he had no right to interfere with Miss Sanger's speech at the Liberal Club under any circumstances since the meeting was open to members of the University only and not to the public. He added, "I have followed Mayor Curley's statements with interest, and see that he intends to take action concerning Miss Sanger's Boston meeting, but I have by no means taken any definite public stand on the matter myself."
