The Rt. Rev. John B. Peterson, rector of the St. John's Seminary at Brighton, is to be the speaker at the meeting to be held in the Peabody Hall of the Phillips Brooks House on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. His subject will be "Roman Catholicism."
According to those in charge of the meeting, Dr. Peterson's lecture promises to be one of unusual interest. In his talk, Dr. Peterson will speak upon the distinctive characteristics, the contributions, and the development of the Roman Catholic Church as shown by the past and present. The attitude of the Catholic Church towards a united Christian church, its liberalism, and educational advantages, are other points which Dr. Peterson will touch. This meeting is one of the series of Sunday afternoon lectures on religion which have been held under the management of the Graduate Schools Society of the Phillips Brooks House Association. As usual, the meeting will be free and open to all members of the university.
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